
Kyanna huniepop pictures uncensured
Kyanna huniepop pictures uncensured

kyanna huniepop pictures uncensured

Did You Just Romance Cthulhu?: In the first game you can romance aliens, love fairies, and even the goddess of love.

kyanna huniepop pictures uncensured


Whereas as a male, the player is teased by Audrey before she cock-blocks him, the female PC gets a somewhat more friendly text suggesting a more Vitriolic Best Buds kind of relationship with them. Double Standard: Mostly averted, the Dude, Where's My Respect? is present no matter what gender you are, but there is the instance of Audrey's final text message.However, most of these will just annoy whoever you're talking to, so it's not a particularly good idea. Deadpan Snarker: It's possible to play them this way, as they get plenty of snarky dialogue options throughout the game.This could mean such things as telling Audrey that they hate working out, but then tell Kyanna that they never miss a day in the gym. Consummate Liar: In order to better get into the girls' pants, the protagonist's best option is to just tell them what they want to hear.In the second game especially, where Kyu mentions that they're now "banging models on the reg" in the prologue, to which the protagonist can respond that the model was the fourth girl that week. Chick Magnet: What Kyu hopes and eventually turns them into.Casanova Wannabe: How the player starts out.You did bang the Goddess of Love, after all. This carries over into HuniePop 2 in fact, the player will get to the "action" quicker than before, due to their previous experience. The Casanova: As is expected of a Dating Sim.All that changes is what exactly the girl says in response, but it won't hurt the player's standing with her. But Thou Must!: It is impossible to give a "wrong" answer when meeting the girls.Examples are: Audrey can instead say at least the player isn't lacking upstairs instead of downstairs, Lola at the beginning of HuniePop 2 will ask for the player to take their top off, and they'll say they can suck their own breast when talking to Ashley (which while easier than sucking the male genitalia, can still be pretty difficult). All mentions of the male PC's junk will be replaced by breast or female genitalia. Buxom Beauty Standard: Much like the male PC's 'junk', the female PC is implied to have huge breasts.Of course, Audrey doesn't have much to compare you to, having been a virgin before meeting you.These comments could just be taken as the girls stroking the male PC's ego, if not for the fact that one such line comes from Audrey. Bigger Is Better in Bed: The male PC is implied to be at least above-average in size, going by several compliments from the girls.This trope plays it straight as the female PC is just as vulgur as her male counterpart. All Women Are Lustful: If the player decides to choose to be female.All Men Are Perverts: The Male PC is the only male character in the game, and a big enough pervert for Kyu to consider him a kindred spirit.Adaptational Attractiveness: In the second game, the player is given way more compliments on their appearance than in the first game.Confirmed to return as the player character for HuniePop 2. Your goal for the game is to become a ladies' man (or woman).

Kyanna huniepop pictures uncensured